Annual Stewardship Events
Over 300 volunteers generously donate together 1,750+ hours of their time to programs and events each year, on the three forks of the Flathead River. Every river season, demand for our volunteer opportunities grows, as does the need for community to actively participate in noxious weed pulls and cleaning trash from river corridors. Are you or your group interested in volunteering for a one-day stewardship event?
Earth Day River Access Cleanup
Flathead Rivers Alliance teams up with Wild Montana’s Flathead-Kootenai Chapter to celebrate Earth Day each spring. Participants clean up several fishing access sites along the Flathead Wild & Scenic River before spring snowmelt. Depending spring snow conditions we usually are able to clean: House of Mystery, Hungry Horse Bridge, Blankenship, & West Glacier River Access Sites.
River Weed Rodeo
River Weed Rodeo is hosted in June. Groups will have a full day of rafting with one of the four commercial raft companies or by joining the group of private boaters. Along the way the group will stop and listen to a short educational talk on noxious weeds led by a local weed expert. All participants need to bring leather gloves for hand pulling weeds. The Middle Fork of the Flathead is a beautiful free flowing river that is protected by the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The native plants and animals on the river corridor would appreciate your help. Email riverweedrodeo@gmail.com or visit River Weed Rodeo website for more information.
The Weed Rodeo is a noxious weed pulling event on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River that started in 2003. Private volunteers combine with commercial rafting outfitters, government organizations, non-profits and local businesses to hand pull weeds along our beautiful river corridor.
Rafting for Refuse
Celebrate Glacier Guides & Montana Raft’s Rafting for Refuse annual June trash clean up and post float event! Clean up trash at the public river access points and along the river corridor on the Wild and Scenic Middle Fork of the Flathead River. Learn more HERE.
Rafting for Refuse requires advance registration of $10 that will be donated to Leave No Trace- Center for Outdoor Ethics. Please call the Glacier Guides and Montana Raft office to sign up! 406-387-5555 or info@glacierguides.com
Flathead Waterways Cleanup
Flathead Waterways Cleanup is a countywide event hosted in August bringing together agencies, organizations, and community members in an all-day volunteer event to clean-up trash and celebrate the region’s incredible waterways. Flathead Rivers Alliance is responsible for recruiting and coordinating volunteers on the Three Forks of the Flathead Wild & Scenic River.