Life Jacket Loaner Program
Permanent Loaner Life Jacket Station Locations
Life jackets available Memorial Day - Labor Day
West Glacier River Access Boating Site (Middle Fork of the Flathead River)
Glacier Rim River Access Boating Site (North Fork of the Flathead River)
Roving Loaner Life Jacket Stations
During our River Ambassador volunteer shifts on Middle and North Forks life jackets are available to check-out.
If you were provided with loaner life jacket(s) they can be dropped off at:
West Glacier or Glacier Rim River Access permanent life jacket stations
Lary’s Fly & Supply, 604 Nucleus Ave., Columbia Falls
Home Ranch Bottoms, 8950 N. Fork Rd., Polebridge, MT
Hungry Horse Ranger Station, 10 Hungry Horse Dr., Hungry Horse, MT *Weekdays Only
This project is made possible thanks to grant funding from Flathead Electric Cooperative’s Roundup for Safety Program and in-kind donations and services from MT FWP, Flathead National Forest, and Flathead Rivers Alliance and Montana Backcountry Hunters & Anglers Armed Forces Initiative volunteers.
Montana Boating Rules & Regulations: https://fwp.mt.gov/activities/boating/rules-regulations
We offer customizable presentations for groups on-site or at river. To date we’ve had the pleasure of sharing our love of the Three Forks of the Flathead Wild and Scenic River and its importance with groups ranging from whitewater and hiking guide company staff to college classes.
Email info@flatheadrivers.org for presentation inquiries.
Partner Floats
Throughout the year (depending river level and weather) we coordinate partner floats. These floats are opportunities to connect with stakeholders ranging from agency to community members. It’s a unique opportunity to check-in with partners, learn about current projects, and brainstorm opportunities to enhance and protect the outstanding remarkable values of the river system.
There is limited space due to host rafts and shuttles. Stay tuned for float offerings.