Are you a River Lover?

I love: Morning on the riverbank.  It’s quiet and cool, the bugs are still asleep.  I drink my coffee slowly, listening, watching.  A fish jumps, the water ripples and pools along the rocks.  My thoughts obey the hush of the river.  Is there anything better than this?

Maybe!  How about late night on the river, the stars blazing, river murmuring, sleeping bag beckoning your tired and sore body after a full day of adventure?  Or how about a long afternoon at your favorite fishing hole, the quiet wisp of your fly rod your only companion. 

You might be a river picknicker, a backcountry packrafter.  Maybe you crave the thrill of discovery in river bird watching, or perhaps your special spot is at the splashy, loud, chaotic, well-loved swimming hole.  Are you a member of a pool floaty river regatta?  You might be a photographer, biologist, hydrologist, adventurer, river philosopher, a daydreamer, a day hiker, a backpacker, a horse packer.  You swim, float, paddleboard, fish, play, LOVE our rivers.  You go there alone, with a dog, your friends, your partner, your family, your kids.  Are the rivers in your blood?  Are the rivers sacred to you and your family? The rivers are a part of your life- they are a hobby, a lifestyle, your happy place, the reason you live here, your backyard, your love. 

Whatever the reason you love the Three Forks of the Flathead- we agree.  However you enjoy your time there (as long as it involves caring for the river)- we agree!  At FRA, for all of the reasons and in all of the seasons, we love the rivers.  North, Middle, South- let us passionately list the reasons each fork is the best. 

Bottom line is: If you love the Three Forks of the Flathead, we love you.  And we want to be here for you.  Share your stories, your adventures, your questions, your concerns.  Reach out via social media or email ( and connect with us.  Help us work together to steward these outstanding and remarkable rivers.  Stay tuned over the next few months as we highlight some our favorite ways to enjoy the river.  And let’s take care of these rivers… together!


How to Comment on Comprehensive River Management Plan Proposed Action