Building Capacity Around Water Quality Monitoring
The health of the three forks of the Flathead River can’t be dependent on one organization. It takes recognizing all stakeholders and involving them in the process. Flathead Rivers Alliance hosted a July 28th partner float with a focus on water quality and will host additional meetings and workshops to ensure there is proper analysis of who is on the landscape, who is doing what, what data are we missing, and capture priorities for short and long term monitoring and success in ensuring the health of the watershed. A capacity grant from Montana Watershed Coordination Council and Flathead Resource Advisory Committee funding is making this project possible. Look for the final Building Capacity Around Water Quality report to roll out Fall 2022.
Many thanks to everyone that was able to make this rescheduled float from June and dive into discussions around the health of the Flathead River system. Huge thanks to Glacier Raft Company for donating their shuttle services and loaning a rental raft for the float.

Float Participants:
FLBS - Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana
Community Stakeholders